Riser Recliner 2Chairs Budget Chairs from £595 Charterhouse Range from £895 Premier Range from £1295 Luxury Ultra-Leather Fabrics Doge Collection

New to the UK, Doge riser recliner chairs combine contemporary design with state of the art adjustability.

High Seat Chairs Adjustable Beds Static Chairs and Settees RISER RECLINER RENTAL

Find out more about our rental scheme by calling us on 01803220378.

For those who are less able, or indeed if you would just prefer to try one of our chairs in the comfort of your own home, we will come to you.

Before we visit we will ask some questions regarding the size and type of chair you need and give you an idea of suitable models and prices.

We will bring the most suitable of our demonstrator chairs which will enable you to sample the various different actions, back types and cushioning options available.